Finally, Janire Roldán, one of the participants, has made a review of «So, Mum, I made a Sex Tape», because, and I said in #Feminism. A review (II), I was playing «My Sister Malala» at the same time. Four… Seguir leyendo →
Flesh Writing about “Flesh” is, maybe, the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Flesh is designed by Frederik Berg, Rebecka Eriksson and Tobias Wringstad, and it became the strongest experience of the weekend. It was, even, a life-changing one for most… Seguir leyendo →
My sister Malala After lunch, we divided in two groups to play simultaneously. Three of us played “My sister Malala” (me included) and other four went to the other terrace to play “Mum, I made this sex tape”. “My sister… Seguir leyendo →
A couple of months ago, I received my copy of «#Feminism: A nano-game anthology». I took me only two days to read all the games and I was so excited about testing a lot of them. So, first of all,… Seguir leyendo →
Relatos de Ultramar: En Costas Lejanas (Overseas Tales: In distant coasts) was set in Quesa (Valencia, Spain) during the weekend of 4-6th of september 2015. They wanted to treat the awesome time of pirates but in a realistical and historical way…. Seguir leyendo →
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