Categoría Larp review

De Cuarentena en el Tiempo

La llegada del COVID-19 a Europa nos ha puesto en una situación que prácticamente nadie habíamos vivido nunca: un confinamiento total (especialmente en países como Italia y España), que ha cerrado prácticamente el país. Y con ellos nuestros hobbys favoritos… Seguir leyendo →

The Game Kitchen-un taller de EntreRevs 2018

José Fabregat Pinilla Este artículo lo escribí poco después del EntreReVs 2018, y por unas cosas y otras he tardado demasiado en publicarlo. Creo que sigue siendo interesante pero va por delante una disculpa por dejarlo tanto tiempo sin publicar…. Seguir leyendo →

Entrerevs 2019

El fin de semana del 22 al 24 de noviembre de 2019 se llevó a cabo la 7ª edición de Entrerevs, la conferencia española sobre teoría de rol en vivo, de la que tengo el honor de ser parte de… Seguir leyendo →

One year later: larp and babies

Nearly one year without writing anything in the blog. I’m so sorry! But it hasn’t been an easy year: the little one had suck all our energy, I was feeling really alone in England, and it has ended with all… Seguir leyendo →

Larp in the Museum: The Game Kitchen in the V&A

More or less a month ago, The Game Kitchen (a London-based group of larp creators who join once a month for creating short larps together and play test them) received a mail from the Victoria&Albert Museum for doing a larp… Seguir leyendo →

Black Friday (International run 1)

OMG! I’m back from Black Friday (International run 1) and I’m so excited about it. As they have declared a embargo of the stories until the end of run 2, I will wait to post this out. But being all… Seguir leyendo →

Larping abroad, larping around: a Spanish girl in The Solution.

It’s not very common than an Spanish larper goes to a Nordic Larp. In the last year, things have changed a bit due to the big Blockbuster larps as College of Wizardry or Fairweather Manor. Before that point, only a… Seguir leyendo →

La Sirena Varada-a review

The last weekend of May I played the second run of the Spanish Larp “La Sirena Varada” (The Strainded Mermaid), based in the play of Alejandro Casona. It was created by Somnia and played completely in English. May 26th to… Seguir leyendo →

#Feminism. Bonus Track

Finally, Janire Roldán, one of the participants, has made a review of «So, Mum, I made a Sex Tape», because, and I said in #Feminism. A review (II), I was playing «My Sister Malala» at the same time.   Four… Seguir leyendo →

#Feminism. A review (III)

Flesh Writing about “Flesh” is, maybe, the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Flesh is designed by Frederik Berg, Rebecka Eriksson and Tobias Wringstad, and it became the strongest experience of the weekend. It was, even, a life-changing one for most… Seguir leyendo →

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